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discover the sector's leading platform for several years running.

DDoS Protection for Networks

Peerings Partners
20+ Tbps
Network capacity
<30ms Global
Average latency, global
30+ PoPs
Points of Presence

Cloud DDoS Protection by HugeGuard Cloud®

Secure your datacenter or AS COMPLETELY IN MINUTES VIA BGP + GRE OR Fiber/L2

Find out the best way to protect your network and operational assets without capital expenditure (CAPEX).

Network Throughput
0 + Tbps
In-line Appliances
0 Gbps
Mitigated attacks
0 MM+
ASN downstreams
0 +

What makes us the best market solution?

Meet some of our industry-leading partners who use our solutions.

How does it work and how to implement it?

Interconnection via Tunnel (GRE) or Fiber (L2)

Connect with us physically via fiber, GRE or via Bilateral VLAN in IXPs.

Advertise via BGP

Communicate with our routers via BGP and start announcing your IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes.

Protected Circuit

From this moment on, our platform should be monitoring and protecting your network traffic completely.

20+ Tbps IP backbone in several countries

Solid and robust architecture, integrated and close to its users.

South America
North America
Europe and the Middle East
Asia and the Pacific

Key Features

Routing and Connectivity
Detection and Monitoring
Mitigation & Security

Get in touch

Fill in the form below if you need any additional information.